Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy for beautifulboards.com is simple and straightforward:

(1) We do not 'harvest' email addresses from our website visitors.

(2) We do not spam (send unsolicited email to) our customers and website visitors.

(3) We do not sell our customers' and website visitors' email addresses or personal or business information to anyone for any reason whatsoever. If you send identifying information to us by email, we use that information only to provide you with our services and/or products, and to otherwise respond to your requests. We do not sell this information to anyone for any reason.

(4) Personal and/or business information imparted to us by our customers and website visitors is treated confidentially, and is not sold to third parties for any reason.

(5) Our web hosting company collects and stores only the following information about our website visitors: the numerical IP address or domain name from which they access the Internet; the date and time our site is accessed; the pages you visited and whether they successfully downloaded to your browser; and sometimes the Internet address of the website from which you may have accessed our website (such as google.com). We use this information only to understand how many visitors we get and how visitors use our website so that we can improve our website. We do not sell this information to anyone for any reason.

(6) Credit card and related personal information provided to us by our clients is strictly confidential and is used only for the purpose of collecting funds as designated by the client. However, in the event that fraudulent or stolen credit card information is presented to us, we will comply with all applicable laws, and cooperate with law enforcement agencies and concerned financial institutions as required.

(7) Responses to any website surveys or feedback forms which we may post from time to time are provided to us by our visitors for our benefit, and are likewise not sold to any third party for any reason.

(8) Surfing our website will not impart other personally-identifying information to us, unless you choose to provide such information to us.

(9) We do use cookies in our shopping cart, and we track visitors using Google Analytics javascript. These are normal website practices.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule

This website contains no forums, online chats or the like, and we do not intend to collect personal information from children. If you are under the age of 13 and wish to communicate with us, please ask your parent or legal guardian to do so on your behalf.


We understand that confidentiality of communications is of importance to those requesting information about our products. As a general business practice, we hold these communications in strict confidence.

If you have any further privacy concerns, please contact us.